Mandy Staehler Mandy Staehler

Leaning into our Giving of Thanks

This is the time of year of reflection and considering what we are thankful for. 2021 has been very stressful for so many, but there are also some bright spots. Maybe you started a new routine or learned something new. Maybe you reconnected with friends online or via video call or discovered something new to laugh at. Maybe you missed seeing family and have made more of an effort to call or text more often to say hello. And maybe you’re just tired of sitting in your home so you have some motivation to get outside and out into your community to be more social! What are the bright spots that you’re thankful for?

We started Neurodiverse Connections to help people connect with one another. The end of the year can be a very stressful time, and more than ever we need to reach out and make connections with ones who are important to us. If you’ll be with family or friends, how can you focus on strengthening those relationships? It’s hard to think about refining existing relationships, but often we may over look those closest to us. Think of a way to tell your family (or chosen family) how much you appreciate and care for them. How can you branch out to create new relationships to fulfill your social needs? Can you join a sibling or friend for their group events? Or try a new club or hobby through Meetup, an interactive coffee shop, or your community recreation center? As you think about your own social motivations, consider a new routine that includes trying new activities and exploring options to support your goals. We are looking forward to this upcoming new year and hosting and promoting more events to help create those much needed connections.

This is the time of year of reflection and considering what we are thankful for. 2021 has been very stressful for so many, but there are also some bright spots. Maybe you started a new routine or learned something new. Maybe you reconnected with friends online or via video call or discovered something new to laugh at. Maybe you missed seeing family and have made more of an effort to call or text more often to say hello. And maybe you’re just tired of sitting in your home so you have some motivation to get outside and out into your community to be more social! What are the bright spots that you’re thankful for?

We started Neurodiverse Connections to help people connect with one another. The end of the year can be a very stressful time, and more than ever we need to reach out and make connections with ones who are important to us. If you’ll be with family or friends, how can you focus on strengthening those relationships? It’s hard to think about refining existing relationships, but often we may over look those closest to us. Think of a way to tell your family (or chosen family) how much you appreciate and care for them. How can you branch out to create new relationships to fulfill your social needs? Can you join a sibling or friend for their group events? Or try a new club or hobby through Meetup, an interactive coffee shop, or your community recreation center? As you think about your own social motivations, consider a new routine that includes trying new activities and exploring options to support your goals. We are looking forward to this upcoming new year and hosting and promoting more events to help create those much needed connections.

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Mandy Staehler Mandy Staehler

Dating is most definitely scary!

When we first started Neurodiverse Connections, we were thinking about hosting live events for dating only. Our first event was initially called “Dating Isn’t Scary” - we thought that was clever and catchy, and we were playing on a Halloween theme because the event was in October. But the more we thought about it, it just didn’t seem right. Of course dating is scary! It’s scary for everyone, no matter how confident, successful, outgoing you might be! That being said, we decided to take the pressure off dating and dive into creating relationships. Relationships can be friendships, romantic relationships, or even networking to find a job opportunity. We encourage anyone who is focused only on meeting their forever person to keep in mind that there are so many types of relationships that can enrich our lives. You can’t rush love, but you can broaden your openness to meeting all kinds of people. You never know what or who may lead you to your next relationship!

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